April 29 2020 : Gov.uk – Covid-19 :Being a deputy or attorney during the coronavirus outbreak

April 29 2020 : Gov.uk – Covid-19 :Being a deputy or attorney during the coronavirus outbreak

During the coronavirus outbreak, your role and responsibilities as a deputy or attorney remain the same. However, you must follow government guidance on social distancing, self-isolation and shielding.

The following link covers new government guidance specifically about how to fulfil your role during the Covid-19 pandemic, and covers:

  1. What to do if you cannot visit the person because of social distancing or self-isolation
  2. What to do if you cannot do something for the person because you’re self-isolating or shielding
  3. Working with the person’s health or care providers during the pandemic
  4. Whether you can stop acting as an attorney or deputy temporarily
  5. using the person’s money to give money to their family or friends